Homily, September 10, 2023
From The Pastor I, for one, am so glad God understands the human way. God knows what it means to be human through the personal lived experience of Jesus. Jesus knows the heights of human...
Homily, September 3, 2023
From The Pastor To love others is an obvious and non-negotiable reality of the Christian life. God is the origin and identity of all love. God is love. In love we are created as an...
Homily Reflection – Sunday, August 20, 2023
From The Pastor While on vacation this week and not having an article to reprint, I have decided to offer you a prayer I wrote in the year 2000. Given the signs of the times,...
Homily Reflection – August 13, 2013
From The Pastor During in-between times people become anxious and uncomfortable. There is an unconscious ego energy in most humans that holds the normal boundaries of life in a comfortable place. When we lose control...
Homily, August 6, 2023
From the Pastor Jesus is never alone. God is the fulness of constancy and fidelity. Remaining fully Divine and becoming fully human, Jesus is not on his own to save the world. The Father and...
Homily, Sunday, July 30, 2023
From the Pastor How is the Kingdom of heaven like a treasure buried in a field? How is the Kingdom of heaven like a pearl of great price gained by giving all to attain it?...
Homily, July 23, 2023
From The Pastor In the acceptance and trust of God’s infinite mercy, how do we understand and respond to sin? Divine love revealed in the redemption of the Cross frees us from the death of...
Homily, July 16, 2023
From The Pastor A month ago, the question was raised as to whether we should return the tabernacle to the sanctuary in Church. Discussions were had with the Adult Faith Formation commission, the Evangelical Charity...
Homily, July 9, 2023
From The Pastor Faith is most itself when it is tested. It is the challenges, the unexpected losses, and changes in life that can either draw us closer to the Lord or incline us to...
Homily, July 2, 2023
From The Pastor Why does it seem like Jesus is always saying things backwards and contrary to normal human understanding? How do we find ourselves only to become lost and lose ourselves only to be...