Homily, July 9, 2023
From The Pastor Faith is most itself when it is tested. It is the challenges, the unexpected losses, and changes in life that can either draw us closer to the Lord or incline us to...
Homily, July 2, 2023
From The Pastor Why does it seem like Jesus is always saying things backwards and contrary to normal human understanding? How do we find ourselves only to become lost and lose ourselves only to be...
Homily, June 25, 2023
From The Pastor The readings this Sunday speak about the fear and challenges one may face in the course of the Christian life. History has proven that those who live the life of Christ in...
Homily, June 18, 2023
From The Pastor Is it possible that more people feel lost and helpless in the world today than in the time of Jesus? Statistically yes, if only by the sheer increase in world population. Yet,...
Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
From The Pastor The Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus honors and celebrates the living presence of the Lord Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. Like any great mystery, especially the mysteries...
Pentecost, 2023
From The Pastor Love is the core of what makes us human beings. It is a timeless and universal truth that the deepest longing of every human being is to be loved. Human beings animated...
Ascension Sunday 2023
From The Pastor In the Lent-Easter cycle of the dying and rising of Jesus, the Feast of the Ascension reflects the conclusion of the Lord’s time on earth. As the first Advocate sent by the...
Homily, Sunday May 14, 2023
From The Pastor The Resurrection is about more than Jesus rising from the dead. The Resurrection of Jesus is about who God is and what God is about as the Divine Creator. Many of the...
Homily, May 7, 2023
From The Pastor I am hoping you have received in the mail this week my annual letter in support of the Catholic Services Appeal. We are all aware that this annual appeal sustains and supports...
Sunday, April 30, 2023
From The Pastor The image of the Good Shepherd is one of the most common and beloved of all Christian art. The image of the Good Shepherd evokes a sense of security and protection in...