Coffee & Donuts
St. Vincent Ferrer Church 28353 Herbert, Madison Heights, MIEnjoy fellowship after Mass.
Enjoy fellowship after Mass.
In coordination with our Parish Nurse many health care providers will be available in the Church hall with displays, handouts, and information for a wide range of health care needs.
Weekly Mass (in Vietnamese)
Weekly Mass (in Vietnamese) celebrant will be Brother Bob Malloy
The prayer blanket ministry gathers many people joining together to make quilts and prayer shawls specifically designed for the sick. Fr. John blesses each blanket and the person receiving the blanket knows they are covered in prayer. The group also prays for those who will receive the blankets. All are welcomed to join in this ministry, no sewing skills required.
The CSA funds Archdiocesan wide programs and ministries. Every family has recieved a pledge card and donations can be made by cash or check and dropped in the collection basket, given to the CSA coordinators at the back of Church, or mailed to the parish office.