Married Couples Mass & Blessing

Hall Administration Building 28353 Herbert, Madison Heights, MI

A talk given by Fred Caviani and brunch will be held after Mass in the Administration Hall. Tickets are $20.00 per couple.

Introduction to Inner Healing

St. Mary Catholic Church - Royal Oak

What is inner healing? Why do Christians need it? How do we become aware that hurts from the past can hold us down? Together, Fr. John and Mrs. Deborah Tourville will answer those questions and offer their experience, strength and hope regarding the inner healing ministry of Jesus - healing the broken hearted and setting the captives free. The presentation will be at St. Mary Catholic Church - Royal Oak. The evening begins with Adoration at 6 pm followed by the presentation @7 pm.

Pre-Easter Basket ticket raffle

Church Hall 28353 Herbert, Madison Heights, MI

Please come, participate and support! All are welcomed!