St. Vincent Ferrer Choir – Jim Balistreri, Music Director at or 248-542-8720

by Admin Office
Music enhances the prayer of the faithful during liturgies allowing people to raise their voices and proclaim their praise and their emotions through song. The St Vincent Ferrer Music program is comprised of volunteers from the parish who share their musical gifts to help create an atmosphere conducive to worship and praise during weekend Masses, Holy Days, Funerals and special liturgies.
Adult Choir
The Adult Choir is open to any parish member eighteen (18) years and older. Formal music training is not required to participate. The Adult Choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings at 7 pm in the choir room of the administration building and sings at the Sunday 9 am mass and feast days.
Resurrection Choir
The Resurrection Choir sings at the funeral liturgies of those buried from the church. Perhaps one of the most significant and meaningful ministries, the Resurrection Choir provides comfort and inspiration to the family and friends of the deceased and helps to convey thoughts and feelings that cannot be expressed in words alone.
Those who play a musical instrument are invited to share their gifts as we make a joyful noise unto the Lord. Multiple opportunities exist, particularly at special liturgies and solemnities to play your instrument along with other musicians and singers to enhance the worship of the congregation.