Homily, February 9, 2025

From The Pastor
Every vocation is personal, unique, and particular to each individual. The examples in today’s readings are quite different, but also reflect a consistent movement of resistance, unworthiness, and finally acceptance. The calls of Isaiah and Peter are quite different but still reflect the same spiritual dynamic.
In the Old Testament, a call from God more commonly came through a profound religious experience. Isaiah is living in Jerusalem involved in the political scene with a highly sensitive heart for the plight of the oppressed. He is a young man with a heart for God and the social justice that reflects the divine way. In a time of social transition after the death of King Uzziah, Isaiah has a vision. He sees himself in the throne room of God. He hears the angels singing the praises of God, ‘Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts,’ as the earth shakes at the glory of God most high. Isaiah is terrified, fearing for his life for having seen God. He immediately cries out his fear and unworthiness before the Lord. The tension is resolved when the seraphim angel touches his mouth with a burning ember as a sign that he has been cleansed from his sin. The Lord’s voice calls, “Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?” Secure in worthiness, Isaiah quickly responds, “Hear I am. Send me!”
Not your typical call sequence in the vivid starkness of such a mystical heavenly vision. Nonetheless, those who feel called by the Lord do have some kind of encounter, experience, or deep inner movement of knowing the Lord’s presence. Such an encounter evokes a response.
The call of Peter is more typical of the call that would be recognized even in our day. Notice that St. Luke delays the call of the first disciples until after Jesus begins his public ministry. After Jesus has shown his power to heal through words of forgiveness and mercy followed by physical healings or miraculous deeds, does he call the first disciples to follow him.
Peter and his fishing companions are going about their daily business. They are devout men seeking the ways of God and longing for the coming of the Messiah. They are righteous men, not holy joes, or any more religious than their contemporaries. Jesus sees an opportunity. Apparently without asking, Jesus hops into Peter’s boat as a kind of stage for his teaching. This is evidence that Peter and the others have encountered Jesus on previous occasions. After speaking, Jesus directs Peter to cast into deep water. Notice the dynamic of Peter’s first round of resistance. “We have worked hard all night long and caught nothing.” Still, he does what Jesus’ asks. Another sign they have met before.
A great number of fish are caught stirring the hearts and conscience of those in the boat. They are frightened by the power of Jesus and fearful of their unworthiness. Peter, feeling exposed before the Lord, pleads that Jesus leave him for he is a sinful man. Overpowering grace will do that to a person, and it remains a common dynamic today in those who hear God’s call.
Again, as in the experience of Isaiah, Jesus calms their fears and calls them to follow him. With their hearts stirred, they leave everything and follow him.
A call to serve the Lord is like a conversion. A call to serve the Lord is always grounded in love. A call stirs and awakens a movement of love in the heart that motivates a person to respond in a committed way. A new part of the self is awakened in the person in a way they know it is a truth about them self, and saying no would mean an essential loss to the meaning of that person’s life. A call grounded in love stirs a deep inner knowing that evokes a response.
Every Christian has a vocation. The root of any vocation is love. Beyond a specific way of life, marriage, priesthood, religious life, or the single life, every vocation is built on love. Isaiah had a love for God expressed through compassion and justice for the oppressed. Peter fell in love with Jesus and gave himself to preach about his life, love, death, and Resurrection. St. Mother Theresa gave her life to the poor and dying. St. Vincent Ferrer spent his life revealing the power of God in miracles in the desire to bring more souls to Christ in mature and living faith.
At any age or stage of life, each of us has a vocation to love. Pay attention to your experience, any stirring encounter, or deep inner movements. What stirs your heart in love that you want to put into action? That is your vocation. Start with those in your family, those for whom you have responsibility. Listen to your heart. Act on the love you feel, seek, and desire there. You are in Christ, already worthy to serve the Lord in love. In loving service, what would make you most happy? Do it out of love for God and others. Do it with joyful hope.
Father John Esper
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