Homily, February 16, 2025

Homily, February 16, 2025
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From The Pastor

To live a meaningful, purpose-driven life it is necessary to be conscious of the world around you. To live a mature Christian life, it is necessary to be aware of the life of God within you as you engage and interact with the world around you. The cost and consequence of not being aware of the inner self or the world in which we live can lead to a chaotic or disordered life with little direction beyond the needs and desires of personal comfort and security.

In the first reading, Jeremiah the Prophet contrasts those who are cursed against those who are blessed. The reading is a clear parallel with Beatitudes of Jesus in the gospel. Cursed is a harsh word. Comparative words might be depraved, unenlightened, troubled, or double-minded. The word implies a selfish orientation for one’s own good, trusting in the self alone to create a secure and prosperous life. Similarly, the word blessed has been paired with happiness, humble dependence, knowing one’s need for others.

The matter is one of trust. Trust is a virtue of faith dependent on the support of others, and ultimately on the providence of God. By its nature, faith and trust are words dependent on relationships in the awareness of the ignorance of self-sufficiency. No one can have a meaningful, purposeful life all by them self. To be human in any meaningful way is to be in relationship with God and others.

Why is Jeremiah confronting the people of his time with this challenge? The super power Babylon threatens the Northern Kingdom of Judah. The leaders of Israel, without seeking the will or help of God, attempt to create an alliance with Egypt with a disastrous result. Jeremiah warns them against this action, directing them back to the wisdom of God. Their attempt to overtake Babylon with their own foolish plan leads to disaster in the destruction of Jerusalem, their Temple, and their being led off into exile.

Notice the effective images Jeremiah uses to make his point. Those who trust in the power of men (the world) are like a barren bush in the desert with no change of season, a lava waste of salt and empty earth. Trusting in the things of the world implies a poor inner life unaware or unconcerned with the ways of God. Living only with a worldly identity leads from one thing to the next seeking happiness and security that never satisfies. The next thing is never enough.

This is contrasted by the blessed who trust in the Lord. The blessed or happy ones who trust in God can weather the storms of life with the strength of their inner being that trusts in God. The images are opposite of the cursed, giving life even in times of drought, meaning personal dryness or distress. Like a tree beside running waters with its roots reaching to the stream, fearing not the heat when it comes, remaining green and fruitful.

It begs the question, in whom do we really trust? We know the correct answer is to trust in God, but what about the immediate troubles that surround us in the world? This is the question today. Troubles and uncertainties swirl around us on many fronts. It is a clear time for faith with an unwavering trust in God. To think we could solve the problems of the world through power over others, is like planting a tree in the desert presuming it will give us sufficient cover.

The Beatitudes are not comfortable. By their nature, they create an uncomfortable contradiction. Human nature tells us to seek control, security, and personal interests on the strength of our own doing. For too many people, self-sufficiency is a virtue. Creating their own smallness of life, many people refuse the help of others, preferring to do for themselves, not risking the vulnerability of depending on anyone risking a possible payback. Poor choice.

Blessed are they who know they are poor and dependent on God, knowing they are vulnerable on their own. Poor is not just about economics, it is life, love, friendship, relationships, a sense of belonging and being a part of something larger than them self. The same is true for the hungry, the mournful, the hated, and the falsely accused. To be human is by nature to be dependent, in relationship with others. We are the creatures, not the Creator.

To trust in God is the source of life, love, happiness, and inner peace humbly accepting in the Divine providence of the One who is the giver of all life. This is not always easy. In the face of distress and problems larger than ourselves, we are inclined to look to the world for timely solutions. God in Christ invites us to look to him. We pray from our hearts with confident faith and secure hope that God is aware of our every need.

God is fully aware that the world and its nature is passing away. This is the wisdom, and the gift of prayer grounded in faith and maturing trust in God. Attend to your inner life in God and you will be like the tree planted near running waters. We are a community. Pray for each other for we are one.


Father John Esper


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