Homily, November 19, 2023
From The Pastor The Kingdom of God is often misunderstood as something we will experience in heaven. This is not the case. The Kingdom of God is the work Jesus began through the Incarnation. In...
Reflection, November 12, 2023
From The Pastor The goal of the Christian life is union with God. Ultimately, that goal is fulfilled in the glory of heaven. However, to attain this fulfillment of Divine glory, our union with God...
Sunday, November 5, 2023
From The Pastor I do not know the origin of the phrase, but it is a good fit for religion and the spiritual life. ‘If you talk the talk, can you walk the walk?’ To...
Homily, October 29, 2023
From The Pastor The greater causes of human unhappiness, separation, division, and wars are most often caused by competition for power and control. Why is that? How is it that, in the larger view of...
Homily, October 22, 2023
From the Pastor “For this I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.” Pilate said to him,...
Homily, October 15, 2023
From The Pastor It is rare for people to spend much time thinking about the transition from this life to the next. We all know death is a reality, but not one we often considered....
Homily, October 8, 2023
From The Pastor In the fast pace of our consumerist culture, with the overload of flash point news and the manipulative influence of social media, it is difficult to sustain a sense of personal presence....
Homily, October 1, 2023
From The Pastor To live the Christian life as presented by Jesus is not easy. Sounds good on paper: God of love and mercy, ready forgiveness, endless love and patience, and the promise of eternal...
Homily, September 24, 2023
From The Pastor This weekend is our annual Missionary Appeal through the Propagation of the Faith. Our missionary priest comes from the Diocese of Same, in Tanzania, Africa. Most Reverend, Rogath Kimaryo, C.S.Sp. is the...
Homily, September 17, 2023
From The Pastor Mercy does not receive the value it deserves as an essential quality of human nature. Mercy is most often perceived as a religious value practiced by those who seek to live in...