Healing Ministry

In the model and example of Jesus, St. Vincent Ferrer seeks to be a place of healing and compassion. An essential part of the ministry of Jesus was to heal the sick. This power of divine mercy reveals the compassion of God as well as stirs faith in those who seek the Lord. The power of the Lord for healing is a primary sign of the presence of the Kingdom of God.

We embrace this model of love and compassion in a wide array of healing ministries.

Monthly Healing Mass

Beyond the use of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, we have a Monthly Healing Mass the last Saturday of each month. After the regular 4:00 pm Mass, prayer teams are available for healing prayer or for the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. Many come and find hope, consolation, and healing in this ministry.

Inter Generational Healing Mass

We also offer an Inter Generational Healing Mass typically twice a year. This Mass prays for the healing of our generations which may hold and pass on negativities or dark legacies from the past. This Mass stands on the power of forgiveness of those who participate as we offer our petitions to the forgiveness of the Cross of Jesus made present in the Holy Eucharist.

Inner Healing Retreat

Finally, an Inner Healing Retreat is offered twice a year at Manresa Jesuit Retreat House. This silent weekend retreat over the years has helped hundreds of people find new peace and often deep healing as they go forward. Scheduled dates for these retreats are published as they come available. All are welcome. More information can be found through Manresa at 248- 644-4933;  https://manresa-sj.org/

Fr John Esper & Deborah Tourville

Healing Ministry Directors

Healing Ministry Events


Prayer Blanket 6pm - Church Hall

Thursday, Church Hall

Healing Mass

Saturday, St. Vincent Ferrer Church

Healing Mass 4:00 pm

Saturday, St. Vincent Ferrer Church

We are humbled and grateful in the grace God has shown us in this ministry. Jesus continues to heal in our time. All are welcome to share in the healing peace of the Lord Jesus.