Evangelical Charity – Christian Service

How Can I Help?

There are many ways to serve at St. Vincent Ferrer. Some opportunities are year-round, others happen only certain times of the year. If you would like to help us live our baptismal call passionately, please contact our Administrative Offices for more information:

Mary Ann Przybysz

Christian Service Director

Christian Service

Upcoming Events


Breakfast Book Study - Desiring God's Will - Wednesdays 9am


Prayer Blanket 6pm - Church Hall

Thursday, Church Hall

Breakfast Book Study - Desiring God's Will - Wednesdays 9am


Year-Round Opportunities to Serve:

Homebound Minister

The Homebound Ministry aims to provide a social/spiritual connection to parishioners who cannot easily get out of their homes due to temporary or chronic illness.  The goal is to offer parishioners an encounter with other parishioners to experience God’s goodness through the kindness of others.  Through home visits, bringing of Holy Communion, reassuring phone calls and/or sending cards or letters, our ministers engage the elderly/homebound person through conversation and social support.

Formal training will be given to all ministry volunteers. Besides the training, each volunteer must complete a background screening required of all volunteers who have contact with individuals of the parish, and attend a Protecting God’s Children workshop.

Please contact MaryAnn in the parish office: 248-542-8720 for more details or to request a visit.

Hospitality Ministries –year-round

Coffee and Donuts

This ministry is dedicated to providing refreshments and a welcoming presence after the Sunday Masses.  The time commitment for Coffee and Donuts is only a couple hours a Sunday, once a month or five times a year.


  • 9 am mass: Set up, pick up donuts, make coffee, greet, cleanup etc.

Funeral Luncheon Ministry

This ministry offers a luncheon to family members after a funeral, providing good food and a caring atmosphere for the bereaved.


  • Bring requested food item to the parish hall 2 hours prior to funeral mass; if available, help serve the luncheon and clean up afterwards; be available as the need arises
  • Teams rotate their service; 3-4 hours is required at the parish hall if you choose to serve at the luncheon; Team Captains meet once a year

Jail Ministry

Parishioners visit the Oakland County Jail on a regular basis, collect and deliver toiletry donations throughout the year and soap and candy donations around Christmas.

Outdoor Gardening

This ministry is dedicated to the beautification of the parish grounds surrounding the church, school and rectory.  All are welcome to help, even if only for a few days or a few minutes. May – October.

Parish Nurse and Healthcare Ministry

This ministry is dedicated to the care of the physical, spiritual and emotional needs of parishioners through Blood Pressure checks, educational talks, and articles on health for publication in bulletin.  This ministry may also provide referrals to health care services and resources.

Prayer Blankets

This ministry creates beautiful prayer blankets to be distributed to the sick.  Anyone is welcome to help with this ministry.  You do not need to know how to sew.  Members help by: washing, ironing and cutting fabric, embroidering fabric squares; assembling decorated squares into quilt and backing with flannel; praying for those who receive the blanket, selecting and writing scripture passages or quotes on the completed squares…

Project Help

Meets every Wednesday at the Madison Heights Senior Center from 10am-12pm to make reading quilts, lap blankets, book bags, hats, knits, scarves, teddy bears, pajamas, and other crafts to donate to various organizations.  Some of the places they give to include: nursing homes, Beaumont Hospital, unwed mothers, and various projects of Catholic Charities.

St. Vincent de Paul Society

This ministry is dedicated to personally assisting those in need in our local parish community.  Vincentians help facilitate the distribution of food, clothing, household items, as well as funds for rent and utilities when available.

Opportunities to Serve

All Souls Mass Reception – November

Thanksgiving Food Drive

Starts three weekends before Thanksgiving.  Parishioners are needed to help in the sorting of donated food and in boxing of food for recipient families’ pick-up.   Families are welcome.

Christmas Giving Tree

This Outreach activity is coordinated by the members of the Evangelical Charity Outreach Committee and relies on the generous contributions of the parishioners. Each year 2 or 3 charities are chosen to receive our gifts which they have identified for their needs. Help is needed to sort items, and possibly drive items to their destinations.

Fr. John’s Anniversary Dinner – December

Virtual Lenten Soup Suppers – February/March

This activity includes posting creative soup recipes given by parishioners in the parish bulletin, as well as displayed on the screens in church during Fr. John’s Lenten Series talks. Four charities are identified, one for each week of Fr. John’s Presentations. Donations for each week can be made using our parish website or brought to church or the parish office. 

Jail Ministry-Easter Basket Collection - March/April

October Mercy in Action Day -

St. Vincent Ferrer parish joins with the parishes of the Archdiocese of Detroit for this event which focuses on hands-on outreach activities that serve individuals and groups in need beyond our parish.

Confirmation and Eucharist Receptions – April

Oakland County School Supply Drive - in July or August

To benefit homeless students in Oakland County.