Mercy in Action – Snack Bag Collection -Sept. 28/29 and Oct. 5/6, 2024.

Mercy in Action - Snack Bag Collection -Sept. 28/29 and Oct. 5/6, 2024.


Sept 28/29 & Oct 5/6


     On Saturday, October 19th our parish will be participating in an Archdiocesan outreach day which involves our hands-on efforts to serve the needs of local homeless, food deprived, and other unmet needs of our brothers and sisters whom Jesus identifies with: “When I was hungry.”

Our first collection request for this project will be items that will be placed in snack bags to be delivered to Franciscan Outreach at their Duns Scotus House in Berkley.

 Items needed:  individual serving sizes of cookies, crackers, gummy fruit snacks, granola bars and juice boxes.  We’ll be collecting these items on the weekends of Sept. 28/29 and Oct. 5/6, 2024.  Your contributions can be placed on the tables in the back of church or at the parish office during the week.  Thank you for your always generous response.
