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Week of Events
CSA – Catholic Services Appeal Begins
The CSA funds Archdiocesan wide programs and ministries. Every family has recieved a pledge card and donations can be made by cash or check and dropped in the collection basket, given to the CSA coordinators at the back of Church, or mailed to the parish office.
Coffee and Donuts Fellowship
Tourville Baptism
Baptism Prep Parent Class
Baptism Prep Parent Class
Parents anticipating the Baptism of their child are required to attend. Please call the office to register at 248-542-8720
Mass – Vietnamese
Mass – Vietnamese
Knights of Columbus Rosary
Knights of Columbus Rosary
Join fellow parishioners and the Knights of Columbus in praying the Rosary
May Crowning
May Crowning
On May 1st our Faith Formation students will honor our Blessed Mother. They will reflect on the 12 Virtues of Mary’s crown and show their love for her by crowning her with beautiful flowers.