Fr. John will present a 4 week series "Discovering a Personal Relationship with the Holy Spirit." The series will be on Wednesdays in May starting on May 2nd and ending on May 23rd @ 7pm in the Administration Hall. All are welcome! Let us know you are coming either by calling the parish office 248-542-8720, or signing up at the back of Church.
All are invited to join the Faith Formation Children in crowning Mary our Blessed Mother. Afterwards there will be an ice cream social. All are welcome!
Fr. John will present a 4 week series "Discovering a Personal Relationship with the Holy Spirit." The series will be on Wednesdays in May starting on May 2nd and ending on May 23rd @ 7pm in the Administration Hall. All are welcome! Let us know you are coming either by calling the parish office 248-542-8720, or signing up at the back of Church.
Fr. John will present a 4 week series "Discovering a Personal Relationship with the Holy Spirit." The series will be on Wednesdays in May starting on May 2nd and ending on May 23rd @ 7pm in the Administration Hall. All are welcome! Let us know you are coming either by calling the parish office 248-542-8720, or signing up at the back of Church.
Fr. John will present a 4 week series "Discovering a Personal Relationship with the Holy Spirit." The series will be on Wednesdays in May starting on May 2nd and ending on May 23rd @ 7pm in the Administration Hall. All are welcome! Let us know you are coming either by calling the parish office 248-542-8720, or signing up at the back of Church.
The prayer blanket ministry gathers many people joining together to make quilts and prayer shawls specifically designed for the sick. Â Fr. John blesses each blanket and the person receiving the blanket knows they are covered in prayer. Â The group also prays for those who will receive the blankets. Â All are welcomed to join in this ministry, no sewing skills required