MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE UNTO THE LORD PRAISE & WORSHIP followed by Wine & Cheese Afterglow August 18, 2021 @7:00pm St. Vincent Ferrer Music Director Jim Balistreri along with...
Backpack and School Supplies July 18 to August 8 Requested Items: Backpacks #2 pencils Pencil pouch Colored pencils Washable markers Scissors (blunt tip) Calculator (3rd-5th ) Water bottle Box of tissue Construction paper (assorted...
As we slowly get back to our regular activities Coffee and Donuts will be held at the Administrative office on the patio. We will have one a month until further notice. We had our first...
The Jail and Outreach Ministry Center, Shares and celebrates key holidays with families and individuals in the community. Thanks to the generous donations from the St. Vincent Ferrer Parishioners we were able to collect 37...
Thanks to Jim Balistreri for sharing his soup recipe below: Ingredients: Meatballs: ½ Lb. ground chuck ¾ tsp. salt 1/8 tsp. pepper 1 tbsp. snipped parsley 2 tbsp. grated Parmesan Cheese 1 tbsp. packaged bread Crumbs...
This week our Lenten Charity is the Nigerian Well project sponsored by the Dominican Sisters of Peace. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Our first ‘virtual’ soup supper and Lenten reflection collected $526 for the Welcome Inn in Royal Oak. Thank you to all who participated and thank you to Mary Jo Miles for sharing her pumpkin soup...